Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Class Announcements

--> TUTORING with a TEACHER <--
MONDAYS!! 2:15-3:30 p.m.
End of Term - March 28th
All Work must be in by
Tuesday, March 25th, 2:15 p.m.
Snow Day Make-Up
Monday, March 31st - 7:40-11:45 (half day)
4th Term Begins on Tuesday, April 1st. (No Joke!)


Anonymous said...

I just thought I'd leave a comment on this blog, because it looked lonely!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is lonely, but very well organized. Nice job Mrs. Bingelelgie or whatver

Suzy said...

Do you know when the Snow Make up day for the district is? You can leave a response comment on my blog at

Bing Math said...

Snow Day - The snow day will NOT be made up over Spring Break. Tentatively, it has been suggested that we'll make it up on Monday, March 31st, but that has not been confirmed by the superintendant (only that it won't be held during Spring Break.) Hope that helps. Glad that you somehow found my blog! - Mrs. Binggeli

AL€X G said...

Wow! This blog is very popular(COUGH) (COUGH)