Monday, March 31, 2008

Algebra 2 - 4th Term

Algebra 2 - 4th term Assignments

4/29-4/30 CRT Reveow #2 (worksheet - pick up in class) CLICK HERE FOR SOLUTIONS.
4/25-4/28 CRT Review #1 (worksheet - pick up in class)
4/23-4/24 13.3 #37-60, 72, 90-95
4/21-4/22 Worksheets - Review 13.1 & 13.2 AND Special Triangles
4/17-4/18 13.2 #25-29 odds, 69-76 all, 80
4/15-4/16 13.1 #15-40, 43-48 (HINTS - CLICK HERE)
4/14 (5th period) finish Graphing Systems Worksheet and do 10.7 #9, 10, 26, 27, 45, 55
4/11 (1st period) finish Graphing Systems Worksheet (2 pages)
4/9-4/10 9.4-9.6 QUIZ and Graphing Systems Worksheet (2 pages)
4/7-4/8 9.4-9.6 Review p. 953 #35-69 odds
4/3-4/4 9.6- Part A, selected problems (I don't remember what they are. It was different for both 1st and 5th. Let me know and I'll give you some extra credit points!)
4/1-4/2 9.5 #12-23 all, 27-45 odds, 66, 68, 70
3/28-3/31 9.4 #17-43 odds, 47, 72, 73 AND Worksheet (Worksheet was 1st period only)


Anonymous said...

i couldn't click on the link to get the answers to review #2 :(

Bing Math said...

Grrr . . . sorry it is not working. I will try to fix it as soon as I can. - Mrs. Bing.

Anonymous said...

Something is goofy with the blog. Until I get it fixed, e-mail me and I can e-mail the solutions back to you.

Mrs. Bing